CEB MSDG Net-Metering Scheme I

As part of a pilot project, under this Scheme, CEB plans to integrate a total cumulated capacity of 10 MW of Medium-Scale Distributed Generation (MSDG) using renewable energy technologies (mainly solar photovoltaic and wind power generation technologies) in the Mauritian grid and 400 kW in Rodrigues subject to network impact assessments.

 The CEB MSDG Net-Metering Scheme I, designed under the principle of net-metering, has been officially opened on 02 May 2016. The main aim of the Scheme is to offer the opportunity to medium-size power producers to benefit the grid interconnection facilities by interconnecting their RE MDSG installations into the grid. To the extent it will be technically and economically feasible, in order to assure non-discriminatory consideration, the constrained grid access shall be shared equitably among all prospective Prosumers.

Read More about the CEB MSDG Net-Metering Scheme I
Application Form for 50kW up to 200kW MSDG Project
Application Form for 200kW up to 2MW MSDG Project