• Provide our officers with safe and convenient access to sites where CEB meters and installations are located;

  • Make a global effort towards energy saving and teaching children on how to save energy;

  • Report any power interruption to our 130 helpdesk;

  • Do not interfere with your electricity meter;

  • Inform the CEB of any increase in the load at your premises resulting from the connection of new equipment;

  • Inform us if you have not received your monthly bill;

  • You can anonymously report any case of electricity theft on 401 2007 or send an email to rps@ceb.mu  . Your details will remain confidential.

  • Report installations that you suspect to be unsafe;

  • Avoid interference with any broken lines;

  • Inform us of any street lighting problems; e.g. black- out or daylight burning of a series of lanterns;

  • Inform us if you find branches of trees tin too close proximity or in contact with CEB lines;

  • Help us improve our services by emailing your suggestions or feedback on customerservice@ceb.mu