To connect an electricity account for residential purposes, an application must be made in person at, or in writing to any CEB Customer Service Center or via email on together with the following documents:

(a) National Identity Card of the applicant or Passport ID;

(b) A copy of the applicant's title deed;

  • Or a copy of a Lease agreement, if applicant is resident on State Land;
  • Or a copy of a transcription, if land has been transcribed to the applicant;
  • Or a letter of authorisation from the landlord, if customer is a tenant, as well as a copy of landlord's title deed.

(c) Building & Land Use Permit for the said premises, wherever applicable

(d) A list of declared electrical appliances to be connected in Watts(W) or Kilowatts(kW)

To connect an electricity account for commercial or industrial purposes, an application must be made in person at, or in writing to any CEB Customer Service Center or via email on together with a copy of the following documents:

  • A letter, in the name of the company, stating the purposes for a new supply and specifying the total connected load;
  • A copy of the company's Business Registration Card together with a copy of its Certificate of Incorporation;
  • A copy of the Title Deed in case of ownership of the building;
  • A letter of authorisation from the landlord if the applicant is a tenant, as well as copy of the title deed;
  • A Building & Land Use Permit, wherever applicable;
  • An operation License or Trade Fee Receipt or Exemption Certificate (as applicable) from the relevant authorities, wherever applicable;
  • In case of a registered company, a list of shareholders (those holding more than 10% of shares);
  • National Identity Card of the Director(s) or Passport ID;

Each application is given a specific Business Partner (BP) Number, if the customer does not already have an electricity account with the CEB. The customer will have to quote this number whenever he/she contacts the CEB.

A Technical Officer will visit the proposed site for electrification following an application. In case the CEB Low Voltage network is available and that the load request of the applicant can be supplied, the Technical Officer will inform the applicant of the works to be done by his/her qualified electrician. It is important to note that the installation of a RCD (Residual Current Device) is mandatory. 

After completion of works as required, the applicant must inform a CEB Customer Service Agent of any CEB Customer Service Center, by calling in person, or by phone or through a letter. The Technical Officer will then carry out a second visit to ensure compliance and to verify the quality of the works. 

However, in the event that the Low Voltage network is not available, the applicant will be asked to pay a processing fee for the preparation of a cost estimate with respect to the extension of the Low Voltage network. The cost of this project will be eventually claimed to the applicant. 

The CEB proposes the following claim settlement possibilities possibilities (commonly referred to as loan contribution) to particular categories of customers, subject to certain conditions

(i) in case of a domestic consumer, the latter can either  opt to settle the full costs for the network extension project which shall thereafter  be refunded to him/her over a period of four years or choose to pay off half of the total estimates without any refund # 

(ii) for industrial development, the customer may be entitled to a refund of the projecy estimates for a period of five years # 

Note: # conditions apply to benefit from these facilities 

The loan is refundable in five equal instalments without interest, the first instalment being payable one year after the supply is made available to the consumer. Should the consumer’s supply be disconnected before the expiration of the period of refund, any balance of loan outstanding at the date of cessation shall accrue to the Board by way of compensation.

After payment of a connection fee and security deposit (see table below), the CEB will endeavour to connect the supply to the said premises as soon as possible.

Connection Fees* and Security Deposit* for Domestic Tariff

Item Single Phase Three-Phase Without Current Transformers Three-Phase With Current Transformers
Security Deposit (Rs.) 200 (Tariff 110)
Security Deposit (Rs.) 600 (Tariff 120)
Security Deposit (Rs.) 1200 (Tariff 140)
Connection Fees (Rs.) 750

The first statement of account (electricity bill) shall be delivered to the customer approximately two months following the effective connection of electricity.Top

After reception of the Cost Estimate Letter from the CEB, the customer can apply for LV Extension Assistance (applicable for domestic supply only) provided that he/she meets the acceptable criteria and that he produces the following documents: 

  • Applicant’s latest salary slip
  • An affidavit certifying the monthly household income
  • Identity Card of Applicant
  • CEB claim letter
  • Copies of development/ construction permits (2 copies)
  • Copy of title deed

As per provision of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (Collection of Licence Fees) Act 1984, "every person who is liable to pay an electricity bill for domestic consumption shall pay the appropriate Licence fee".
Also as per the provision of the Central Electricity Board Act 1964, "the Central Electricity Board shall for and on behalf of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation collect the licence fees and surcharge payable under the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (Collection of Licence Fees) Act 1984".
Hence in light of such enactment, a TV licence fee is claimed from domestic consumers of electricity in the circumstances mentioned hereunder:

  • All consumers who have declared a TV Set at time of application for supply;
  • As and when instructed by the MBC.
  • Such charge can only be removed upon receipt of written instruction from the MBC. Hence, customer is therefore requested to settle the electricity bill as claimed, including the amount of the licence fee, and subsequently take up the matter with the MBC. The CEB shall take appropriate action upon receipt of written instructions from the MBC.

As per prevailing legislation, the applicable charges for MBC TV License fee are as follows:

Fees in Mauritius MUR
(a) Where the consumer has consumed not more than a total of 396 kilowatt hours of electricity according to the electricity bills issued to him by the Central Electricity Board in respect of the preceding year (January to December) NIL
(b) in any other case  150 per month
Fees in Rodrigues MUR
(a) Where the consumer has consumed not more than a total of 396 kilowatt hours of electricity according to the electricity bills issued to him by the Central Electricity Board in respect of the preceding year (January to December) NIL
(b) in any other case 25 per month

(a) If a customer wishes to terminate his/her electricity account, he/she may apply for disconnection of the supply and settle any amount due on his/her electricity account prior to closure of the said account.

Please note that after disconnection, you may receive 1 or 2 bills which may become due depending upon the last readings taken.

(b) The power supply to the customer's premises will be disconnected:

  • If the customer has not paid his/her bill as at the due date
  • If the customer has consumed electricity illegally
  • In case the customer's installation has an internal fault and is causing a disruption of supply on CEB’s distribution network.
  • If the customer's electrical installation is found to be unsafe such as during/after a fire outbreak;
  • In the event of CEB officers not having access to the customer's meter for 3 consecutive months and the meter remains inaccessible despite written request from the CEB. 

If the customer's supply has been disconnected for non-payment, the customer will be required to pay a disconnection/ reconnection processing fee of Rs 450* along with full settlement of all outstanding bills within fifteen days. In case the debt remains unpaid after that period the account will be closed. The CEB will take legal actions to recover any outstanding balance on the account.

Once the account has been closed, the customer shall have to follow steps 1 or 2 to obtain a new electricity account.

*This fee is subject to revision at any time as approved by the Board

Electricity Accounts are non-transferrable. The existing policies require that the present Account holder makes a request to close his/her electricity account. The new occupier should then make an application for electricity at the said premises with all required documents as mentioned in question 1 and 2 above.
However, the leaving account holder may also make the application of electricity supply on behalf of the newcomer with all required information as per question 1 and 2. 
The CEB advises that the internal electrical installation should be well protected with a Residual Current Device, as mandated by law, prior to release of electricity supply in the name of the new entrant.
The following documents are to be produced by the new occupier:

  • a rental or lease agreement;
  • sales deed of the property; 

A customer is advised to apply for a closure of the electricity account in his/her name so as to ensure that any new occupier does not consume electricity on the same account. Once the application is received, the CEB will close the existing electricity account after ensuring that all bills have been duly paid failing which legal action may be contemplated.

The customer is invited to apply for a new electricity account at the new supply premises as mentioned above. The customer should also inform the Customer Services Agent on which address to deliver the electricity bill.

A minimum charge is the minimum payment required for the load declared by the customer at the time of application. This charge caters for the CEB’s capability to provide the declared load demand as and when customer may require same. This cannot be changed unless a survey of load is carried out at the said premise to confirm any amendment in the declared existing load. 
Should a customer wish to proceed with the survey of load for confirmation that no equipment is still installed at his/her concerned premise, the CEB should be informed of same so that an inspection can be initiated. 
On the other hand, the customer is advised to have the electricity account closed and a new electricity account opened on his/her return to Mauritius, should the customer not be agreeable to pay for a monthly minimum charge. However, in this case the application would have to re-start afresh, as per the existing policy where new connection fees and security deposit would be applicable as well as administrative documents for processing the request.

  • By Direct Debit from your bank accounts
  • At CEB Cash Offices island-wide (advance and part payment accepted)
  • At Post Offices
  • At two CWA offices listed below
CWA Cash Offices Address Telephone
St Paul Royal Road, St Paul 601-5083
Port Louis Mutual Aid Bldg, Victoria Square, Port Louis 212-5065
  • By mailing a cheque to Central Electricity Board, Royal Road, Curepipe (date of reception of the cheque will be considered as date of payment)
  • By Internet Banking (MCB, SBI and SBM). Contact your bank for more details.
  • By ATMs and Point of Sales by using SBM Billpay service
  • By sms using Orange Money facility
  • and Juice
See the Bill Payments section for more details

The CEB is committed to handling customer complaints and enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner. 

  • Phone or call in person at Customer Service Centers (From 08:30 to 16:00 hours) as per table below
Customer Service Centers Address Telephone Fax
Bambous Royal Road, Bambous 452-1526
Bramsthan Royal Road, Bramsthan 413-2589 413-2336
Curepipe Teste De Buch Street, Curepipe 601-1240 675-7963
Flacq Royal Road, Flacq 413-9672
Goodlands Royal Road, Goodlands 283-9516 283-7279
La Mivoie Black River 483-4145 483-5099
Mahebourg Cent Gaulettes Street, Mahebourg 631-3924 631-9470
Pamplemousses Royal Road, Pamplemousses 243-7525 243-3748
Port Louis Poudriere Street, Port Louis 210-9022 212-3301
Quatre Bornes Avenue Osman, Quatre Bornes 467-0723 465-0446
Riv Du Rempart Royal Road, Rivière du Rempart 412-4295
Rodrigues Port Mathurin 832-0210 831-2405
Rose Belle Centre Commercial du Vieux Moulin, Rose Belle 627-9434  
Rose Hill Vandermeersch Street, Rose Hill 401-2000
Souillac Royal Road, Souillac 625-5544 625-5757
Vacoas St Paul Road, Vacoas 686-2923

Write to: The Senior Customer Services Officer, Central Electricity Board, Royal Road, Curepipe
Alternatively, you can also email us at

The CEB provides a 24/7 reporting service, through its 130 helpdesk, for any emergency repairs or complaints relating to technical faults or power interruptions. The CEB endeavours to attend to complaints in connection with the above within 24 hours unless there is a force majeure. 

All planned outages are communicated to the public through the media. If the customers have a power outage but notice that their neighbours still have power, they are advised to check their fuses or circuit breakers. If everything is found to be in order, then the customers can call CEB's emergencies and fault line on 130, which will also provide up-to-date information on outages whenever available.

  • Giving to CEB officers safe and convenient access to sites where CEB meters and installations are located
  • Informing the CEB in the event of not receiving their monthly bill by phone, mail or email or at the nearest Customer Service Centers
  • Reporting any power interruption
  • Informing the CEB of any increase in their load at their premises.
  • Reporting cases to the CEB where customers tamper with their meters
  • Avoiding interference with any broken lines
  • Preventing anyone else to interfere with their electricity meter
  • Informing the CEB through 130 of any street lighting problems; e.g. black- out or daylight burning of a series of lanterns
  • Making a global effort towards energy saving and teaching children how to save energy
  • Branches touching with CEB conductors
  • Providing suggestions or feedback to the Customer Service Officer in writing

Customers may use the following tips to save energy at home:

  • Replace all incandescent lamps by compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs that allow about 70% savings on lighting.
  • Use timers or movement sensors in lighting for security purposes
  • Electronic equipment, battery chargers and other equipment should be unplugged or removed from standby mode, when not in use.
  • Unnecessary lights should be switched off and desk lamps with CFLs should be used when working at a desk.
  • Avoid lowering the temperature of air conditioning thermostat by more than 5°, with respect to ambient temperature to allow cost savings and ensure that all doors and windows are kept closed.
  • When using a kettle, do not fill it in to the top, if all the water is not needed.
  • Make use of fans as far as possible so as to reduce the cost on air conditioning.
  • When there is warm ambient temperature, the setting for a water heater should be fixed for the lowest temperature.
  • When using washing machines for laundry, ensure that temperature setting is on low or cold. This would result in a big saving on washing costs.
  • Always use washing machines and dish washers only when they are fully loaded, as this would enable better efficiency of the equipment.
  • Avoid opening and closing of the refrigerator too frequently.
  • Make use of solar panels for water heating as much a possible.
  • Remove and clean room air conditioners monthly as dirty filters reduce the efficiency of air conditioners.
  • During warm months, keep blinds and curtains closed as they would protect room from direct sunlight
  • Use light colour shades when painting walls inside your house, as this would mean less lighting fixtures and hence lower lighting costs.
  • Consider planting trees around your house, as this would provide a cool atmosphere inside your house and in your garden, and hence reduce the use of air-conditioners.

**This is only an indicative list and the delay may vary subject to complexities of infrastructure works to be carried out.

Type of Service Type of customer Description Detailed Response Expected Service Time**
Approval of Plan (CEB's Clearance) in connection with Building and Land Use Permit. Domestic
This process is presently being handled by all Municipal and District Councils following the amendment of Section 117 of the Local Government Act. The processing fees for CEB Clearance should also be paid at the relevant Local Authority. Once the application is made at the Local Authority (Municipal or District Council), the CEB will be notified of a new application provided that applicant has submitted all required documents. The CEB will subsequently ensure to provide its stand within 5 working days to the Local Authority. Within 5 working days
Request for new supply / or increase in load Domestic
(Existing network & Spare capacity available)
Request for new supply First inspection from date of application received at Customer Service Within 7 working days
Following inspection Next inspection from date of reporting by customer Within 7 working days
Connection Subject to receipt of payment of security deposit and connection fees. Within 10 working days
(No network & No Spare Capacity available)
Request for new supply First inspection from date of application received at Customer Service Within 7 working days
Processing fee Writing to customer about the requested implications informing him/her of processing fees involved.
Fees tabulated in Annex 1
Within 8 working days
Claim Send claim subject to payment of processing fees, planning and unforeseen constraints Between 15 and 30 working days
Execution Execution of infrastructural works as from date of payment subject to availability of wayleave/right of way from land owners/local authorities and unforeseen constraints Between 15 and 60 working days
Connection Connection of supply following payment of security deposit and connection fees. Within 10 working days
Commercial & Industrial requiring more than 500 kVA Customer needs to install High Tension Switchgear equipment as per CEB specifications (i) Writing to customer about the requested implications informing him/her of processing fees involved.
Fees tabulated in Annex 1
Within 8 working days
(ii) First meeting with client from receipt of payment of processing fee Within 10 working days
(iii) Letter of conditions (HV switchgear specifications) as from date of meeting withvclient Within 15 working days
(iv) Approval for HV switchgear and drawings submitted by client from date of submission of all appropriate documents by client Between 15 and 30 working days
(v) Send claim following approval of documents and specifications as submitted by client and subject to planning and unforeseen constraints Between 15 and 30 working days
(vi) Execution of OFF SITE infrastructural works as from payment subject to availability of wayleave/right of way from land owners/local authorities and unforeseen constraints Between 30 and 60 working days
(vii) Permanent Connection to network provided that all equipment are compliant to CEB specifications and that the site conditions are ready for connection by the CEB, and following payment of security deposit and connection fee Within 10 working days
Request for new supply for parcelling projects Parcelling Projects Claim Send claim as from date of receipt of letter of intent subject to planning and unforeseen constraints Between 20 and 60 working days
Issue of Clearance Certificate Issue of clearance subject to payment and written confirmation of completion of all infrastructural / civil / pipe laying works by client Between 15 and 30 working days
Execution Execution of infrastructural works as from date nearest CEB Office is informed of start of construction works by individual owner subject to availability of wayleave/right of way from land owners/local authorities and unforeseen constraints Between 15 and 60 working days
Connection Connection of supply following payment of security deposit and connection fees. Within 10 working days
Emergency Repair Service Through 130   Outage of Supply Repairs & Restoration of power supply from time of complaint logged at the Call Centre - Excluding natural calamities (e.g. cyclones, floods, electric storms, etc.) Within 24 hours depending on the nature of fault
Complaints ALL Customer letters/complaints First acknowledgement letter from enquiry/complaint received at Customer Service Within 5 working days
Replies to enquiries/complaints from date of acknowledgement letter Within 30 working days
Reconnections of supply after disconnection for non-payment ALL Provided that account is not yet closed Reconnection following settlement of total outstanding bills Within 48 hours
Request for displacement of meters, and/or service lines ALL Request for displacement First inspection from date of application received at Customer Service Within 7 working days
Following inspection Next inspection from date of reporting by customer Within 7 working days
Displacement Effective displacement of meter and/or service lines (where no infrastructural works are involved) following payment of necessary charges as per Annex 1 and provided that all works requested by the CEB meet compliance & subject to unforeseen constraints Within 10 working days upon receipt of payment/compliance
Reading of inaccessible meters ALL Average bill is given based on past six months’ consumption Writing to customer to remedy to the situation Within 3 months from first no-accessibility
Complaints about voltage/quality of power supply ALL If reported in writing and not reported through 130 Helpdesk First inspection of customer’s premises from date of complaint received at Customer Service Within 3 working days
Inform customer in writing of findings as from date complaint is received Within 10 working days
Request for displacement / insulation of network ALL Request First Inspection from date of application Within 7 working days
Processing fee Writing to customer about the requested implications informing him/her of processing fees involved subject to planning and unforeseen constraints. Fees tabulated in Annex 1 Within 8 working days
Claim Send claim subject to payment of processing fees Between 15 and 30 working days
Execution Displacement of poles following payment of all claims, approval of site clearance and wayleave by CEB subject to availability of wayleave/right of way from land owners/local authorities and unforeseen constraints Between 15 and 60 working days
  • The time responses are not applicable in case of force majeure, for example in cases of cyclones, thunderstorm and lightning, flooding, riots, Tsunami, war, period of strikes, torrential rains, industrial action, Government action etc.
  • The periods mentioned are not cumulative but concurrent

If you have recently noted that your energy consumption has increased or decreased drastically and that you suspect your energy meter to be faulty, you can apply for a verification of your meter through the installation of a check meter at your premises. A check meter will be installed to monitor your own energy meter for a period of one month.  

The CEB is committed to you by enabling the transparency of the installation of the check meter. In this way, you can yourself monitor the energy consumption on your meter and that on the CEB check meter. It is worth noting that a tolerance of 2% is allowable as per Section (b) (ii) under Regulation 44 of the Electricity Regulations 1939. 

This service is provided against the payment of a processing fee of Rs 450*.  If the check meter results show that your energy meter is faulty, the processing fee of Rs 450* will be consequently refunded to you through a credit adjustment on your electricity Contract Account number and the meter will be replaced. The overbilled amount will be refunded as per prevailing legislations.

* subject to revision


Should you wish to terminate your electricity account, you must apply for disconnection of the supply and settle any amount due on the electricity account prior to its closure. You can contact any of our Customer Service Centres by quoting your Contract Account or Business Partner Number, as reference, and making your request in writing or calling in person.

It is worth noting that the CEB will bear no liability on any account if an account holder vacates the aforesaid premises without ensuring that the account has been closed. It is the responsibility of the account holder to ensure that the electricity account is to be closed when electricity service is no longer required.

Landlords who intend to lease their premises to prospective tenants, it is advisable that due authorization is provided to their lessees to apply for a new electricity service in their lessee’s name. This would avoid Landlords to be liable for the unpaid electricity bills and any subsequent reconnection fee or other charges that may become thereafter applicable. However, Landlords who maintain the electricity account in their own name while leasing their premises should ensure that all bills are settled by their tenant.


Residential Customers

Should you wish to apply for an increase or decrease in your declared load, you can contact us at any of our Customer Service Centres by quoting your Contract Account or Business Partner Number, as reference, and making your request in writing or in person. A copy of National Identification Card will be required for identification purposes.

You can also email us your request together with the required information and scanned document to A processing fee, as per applicable rates, may be claimed to you based on your actual declared load and requested load demand.

Commercial/Industrial Customers

Should you wish to apply for an increase or decrease in your declared load, you can contact us at any of our Customer Service Centres by quoting your Contract Account or Business Partner Number, as reference, and making your request in writing. A copy of the National Identification Card of the Company Director and Certificate of Incorporation of the company will be required for processing the application.

You can also email us your request together with the scanned copies of the above requested documents to A processing fee, as per applicable rates, may be claimed to you based on the actual loading and requested load demand.

The CEB provides temporary supply for the following purposes: 

  • Decorative lighting
  • Illumination of Streets
  • Public address system
  • Other purposes e.g. wedding or religious gatherings

Residential Customers 

Should you wish to apply for a temporary electricity supply as listed above, you can contact us at any of our Customer Service Centres by quoting your Contract Account or Business Partner Number, as reference, and making your request in writing or calling in person. A copy of your National Identification Card will be required for identification purposes. Also let us know your temporary requested load (number of watts) and the period of connection (number of hours/days), for which the supply will be required.

 This service is provided only following advance payment of the required charges based on the Tariff 615 of our Electricity Tariff Schedule. 

 Commercial/Industrial Customers 

Should you wish to apply for a temporary electricity supply as listed above, you can contact us at any of our Customer Service Centres by quoting your Contract Account or Business Partner Number, as reference, and making your request in writing or calling in person. A copy of the National Identification Card of the Company Director / Certificate of Incorporation of the company will be required for identification purposes. Also let us know your temporary requested load (number of watts) and the period of connection (number of hours/days), for which the supply will be required. 

You can also email us your request together with the scanned copies of the above requested documents to A processing fee, as per applicable rates, may be claimed to you based on the actual loading and requested load demand.

Should you wish to apply for the insulation of CEB network, you can contact any of our Customer Service Centres by quoting your Contract Account or Business Partner Number, as reference, and making your request in writing or calling in person. 

You can also email us your request together with the scanned copies of the requested documents to 

A processing fee, as per rates applicable, shall be claimed to you in respect of the type of network adjacent to or crossing your premises. 

This fee will consequently initiate the preparation of a Cost Estimate for the required works. This cost estimate will be further claimed to you and will be carried out after receipt of the payment.

Should you wish to apply for a displacement of the CEB network (pole, meter, transformer, service line, High tension line, Low Voltage line), you can contact us at any of our Customer Service Centres by quoting your Contract Account or Business Partner Number, as reference, and making your request in writing or calling in person.

Please bring along your National Identification Card with you if you are a residential customer. For companies, a copy of the National Identification Card of the Company Director / Certificate of Incorporation of the company will be required for identification purposes.

You can also email us your request together with the scanned copies of the above requested documents to

A processing fee, as per our applicable rates, may be claimed to you based on the present network configuration.

Building and Land Use Permit (BLUP)
If you are in the process of starting the construction of a residential building or any other building structure for commercial or industrial purposes, you may need to apply to the Local Authority (Municipal or District Council) responsible for your region so as to obtain your Building and Land Use Permit. You may wish to note that the Section 117 of the Local Government Act has been amended with a view to provide a one stop shop for applications involving a Building and Land Use Permit

The latter is now mandated to seek the relevant clearances from all required Authorities e.g. CEB, CWA, Fire Department, etc.  However, applicants should ensure that the following required documents are produced at the Local Authority’s office:

  • National Identity Card and contact details of applicant.
  • Existing electricity customers should provide a recent copy of their electricity bill or submit their Business Partner Number/Contract Account Number.
  • A set of scaled drawings constituting of a location plan, a site plan, one plan view and any two side elevations, adjacent to access roads to the plot of land, with the relevant section drawings. Drawings are to be submitted with the authorized original signature/ seal of architect, and preferably in A3 size.
  • A sum of Rs 375i as processing fee, payable upon application for CEB clearance at the Local Authority.

 subject to revision

Morcellement Permit
If you wish to sell your land by way of a parcelling project, please contact the Morcellement Board for initiating the project.

See URL 

These costs refer to the network extension costs from tapping off on existing distribution network. They cater for the construction of the new network, maintenance and operation costs to bring electricity to your premises.

The Central Electricity Board is a caring service provider which also provides Assistance Schemes ( depending on type of project being implemented.

Network Extension Costs Table 1: Cost of providing power by various methods

Estimated Overhead Network Extension Capital Costs (MUR) without Transformer
Network Type Up to 1 pole Between 1 pole and 5 poles Between 5 poles and 10 poles Greater than 10 poles
High Tension only*1 (11m poles, 22 kV) 50,000 50,000- 250,000 250,000- 500,000 Depending on route and span lengths from network tap-off.
Low Voltage only (9m poles, 400 V) 20,000 20,000- 100,000 100,000- 200,000 Depending on route and span lengths from network tap-off.* 2
Estimated Costs of Distribution Transformers excluding Low Voltage Connection
50 KVA 100 KVA 150KVA 250KVA 500 KVA >500 kVA
115,000 125,000 160,000 225,000 450,000 Project Cost depends on off-site works
  • 1. Above costs are rough estimates and depend on size of conductors, types of poles and materials used, and whether the network is a main line or a spur.
  • 2. Low Voltage network cannot be extended infinitely as there are limitations to avoid voltage drop.
  • 3. Exact costs will depend on site and soil conditions, length of route, ease of wayleave for erection of pole and other factors.
  • 4. All network spans may not be of same length as it depends on whether route is straight of curvy and positions/access to locate poles.
  • 5. Cost of Distribution Transformers do not cater for any civil costs with respect to Transformer Cabin. All transformers cannot be pole mounted
Item Type of Service Rate (Rs)
1 Reconnection of supply, following disconnection for non-payment of accounts (provided consumer's account has not been closed). Fee to be paid before reconnection of supply. 450
2 Disconnection & Reconnection of supply, either
(a) Fee to be paid at the time of the disconnection (for temporary purposes) if the date and location of reconnection are specified or; 750
(b) Fee to be paid at the time of reconnection if supply has previously been closed in light of prevailing Electricity Regulations. 750
3 Displacement of service line and/or lead-in and / or meter at consumer's request. Fee to be paid upon application. 450
4 Removal & re-fixing of service line and/or meter to allow repairs. Fee to be paid upon application. 450
5 Connection and disconnection of temporary supply. Fee to be paid by applicant upon application :
For single-Phase consumers 750
For Three-Phase consumers without Current Transformers 1,500
For Three-Phase consumer with Current Transformers 3,000
6 Changing of meter for test at the Meter Laboratory at consumer's request (fee to be refunded if meter is found to be faulty). Fee to be paid upon application. 450
7 Installation of check meter at consumer's request (fee to be refunded if meter is found to be faulty). Fee to be paid upon application. 450
8 Connection of new supply. Fee to be paid before connection of supply :
For single-Phase consumers 750
For Three-Phase consumers without Current Transformers 1,500
For Three-Phase consumer with Current Transformers 3,000
9 Inspection by Technical Officer for visual check of meter at consumer's. Fee to be paid by applicant upon application and refunded if meter is found to be faulty. 150
10 Processing of Clearance pertaining to construction/erection of structures. (For the purposes of Building and Land Use Permit). Fee to be paid by applicant upon application. 375
11 Original preparation of planning & estimates at request of applicant (excluding integrated Resorts Scheme, Real Estate Scheme and Invest Hotel Scheme projects).
For Low voltage network only No Processing Fee
For High Voltage line+ Substation + Low Voltage network
High Voltage Metering Projects - Load exceeding 500 kVA
12 Original preparation of planning & estimates at request of applicant pertaining to integrated Resorts Scheme, Real Estate Scheme and Invest Hotel Scheme projects. Fees to be paid upon apllication :
For Low voltage network only 8,500
For High Voltage line+ Substation + Low Voltage network 13,000
High Voltage Metering Projects - Load exceeding 500 kVA 25,000
13 Revision of planning & estimates at request of applicant (excluding parcelling of land projects. Fee to be claimed upon application:
Domestic customers : 1,500
Non-Domestic customers :  
For Low voltage network only 1,500
For High Voltage+ Substation + Low Voltage network 3,000
High Voltage Metering Projects 3,000
14 Processing of land parcelling projects per land plot/per kW. Fee to be paid upon application :
Non IRS projects based on a per slot basis at Rs2000 per plot. 2,000 per slot
IRS projects based on the declared load at Rs 50/- per kW 50 per kW
15 Processing of a preliminary budgetary estimate of a promoter's request. Fee to be paid upon application. 2,000
Item Type of Damage

Sustained Damages for your appliances/equipment

The electricity network operates in an open environment beyond boundaries and exposed to natural calamities. The electricity network may thus be subject to various risk factors that lead to damages to the electricity network. There are risk factors which may cause damages to your electrical appliances. As a responsible utility, the CEB considers compensation for cases where damages have been caused by the CEB due to an incorrect action or inappropriate operation of the CEB.
Our compensation provides for cost of repairs or replacement cost of a similar item taking into consideration the depreciated value of the damaged item.

Damages for which you cannot file a claim

At the CEB, we cannot accept responsibility for damages or losses that have been sustained at your level through events or circumstances that are outside our control including but not limited to:
  1. Natural disasters, cyclones, flooding, torrential rains, thunder and lightning storms related damages and their effect.
  2. Power interruptions where the cause can't be reliably determined.
  3. Planned power interruptions as part of our normal planned work.
  4. Switching operations.
  5. Blowing of fuses which in itself is a protection against fault on the network
  6. Bushfires
  7. The effects of wildlife (e.g. birds, bats, rats, etc.) or trees, vegetation on our network and powerlines.
  8. Lack of electrical/mechanical protection in your electrical installation.
  9. Rotten food from refrigerator due to a power loss;
  10. Loss of animal, aquatic life as a result of power loss.

Your complaint for material damages should be logged not later than 14 days from the date of occurrence.
Furthermore, all alleged damaged equipment should be declared at the time our office is notified of the incident.
Requests for additional damaged equipment will not be accepted once the claim will have been filed with our Insurer.

How to file a claim for materials damage

When you notice that your equipment has sustained damages and that you believe it is due to CEB’s network, you can file a complaint for “materials damages” at any of our Customer Service Offices or through email and submit a detailed list of the concerned appliances/equipment, including the time, date and address of the event leading to your claim, as well as any information regarding the costs of the damaged equipment. We may require reasonable access to investigate on the claim.
Where applicable, please let us have any reports, any receipts/invoices, quotations, repair reports and photographs of alleged damaged items you may have received from qualified repairers that confirm the nature of the damage to the item. However, the CEB reserves the right to view original documents. It is worth noting that you should not dispose of the damaged items until after the claim has been resolved.

You can submit your claim in two ways:
  1. Make an online claim via Customer Service Portal (CUSTOMER PORTAL (
  2. You can call at any of our Customer Service Centres and file your claim in person or by giving a written authorization to your representative to do so.

Claim investigation

We'll inform you of the findings of our investigation for your claim, within 20 working days, after receiving your completed form and supporting documents. All cases do not generally take the same time for investigation as complexity is involved. Some may take longer to investigate and which may also depend on the number of cases to be investigated.

What if my claim is declined ?

If we do not favourably entertain your claim for compensation, we will send you a notification advising of the reason for the problem (such as the cause for the power outage). If you do not agree with our response, you may request a secondary review by contacting the Utility Regulatory Authority for an advice on your claim.

Protection of your appliances

Customers are strongly advised to have their electrical installation protected by installing a surge protector device for instantly protecting your appliances/devices against lightning and voltage surges.